OSPOA Annual Conference

August 15-18, 2023

Grand Casino Hotel & Resort + Shawnee

Highlights of this year’s conference include:

  • Dedicated Exhibit Hall time on August 17th.

  • 20 total hours of CLEET credit, with 2 hours of mental health.

  • Specific sessions for private security.

  • Networking opportunities to meet law enforcement personnel from around the state.

  • Awards Banquet honoring those who have went above and beyond, with the Attorney General presiding over the presentations.

A room block has been reserved for $109/night. You can reserve your room by calling (405) 964-7777 and identifying yourself as members of OSPOA.

Registration Fees:

  • Registration: $220/member or $320/non-members, which includes an exhibit hall ticket, meal tickets and a banquet ticket.

  • Additional Meal Tickets: $100, which are for anyone not attending the sessions but wanting to each with the attendees. This does not include a banquet ticket.

  • Additional Banquet Tickets: $55

  • Additional Prayer Breakfast Tickets: $25

  • Exhibit Hall Ticket: $35, only required if attending the exhibit hall only and includes lunch on August 17th.

Registration closes July 31st. Cancellations made prior to July 31st will receive a full refund. After July 31st, no refunds will be given. Any registered attendee who does not request a cancellation prior to July 31st and does not attend the conference is required to pay their balance in full.

If paying by credit card, your statement will show Oklahoma Municipal Management Services as the company. By registering and paying by credit card, you acknowledge that it will show Oklahoma Municipal Management Services instead of OSPOA and may be subject to a fee if the charge is disputed.